


Brief Introduction Of Python


Python Introduction,  comments

In this course I'm gonna teach you everything you need to know to get started programming in python.

Python is a widely used general-purpose language. Guido Van Rossum is the guy who created python programming language in 1991 and it was further developed by Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on code readability, and it's syntax  allows programers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code. Python  is the programming langguage that let you work more quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. 

Python is on of the most popular programming languages out there, and it's  by far one of the most sought after for jobs and so if you're trying to get a job or you trying to automate your life or you try to write awesome scripts to do a bunch of different things than python is made for you.

The name of Python comes from the surreal British comedy group Monty Python, not from the snake.

Honestly, more and more developer everyday are movieng their project over to python because it's such a powerful and such an easy to use language. A lot of programming languages out there just aren't beginner friendly, there's a lot of syntax and there's a lot of little things that if you get wrong the program will yell at you.

Python is a complete opposite of that, you basically just type out what you want to do in python does it it's that simple there's not whole of a syntax to learn,The learing curve is literally zero. You jump in, you can start writing your firt program in seconds.

So many people starting to learn python. The question isn't  should you learn python?, the question is why shouldn't you?. For a lot of people the reason they might not want learn python is because they're  afraid that it's going to be hard. Trust, me I am going to hold your hand through this entire course. We're going to talk about all the core concepts in python and we're going to look at everything you need to know to start programming in python.

Anyway, I'm super pumped  to teaching you guys python. I can't wait to get started in this course and I hope you guys stick around and fall along with the course and learn this amazing programming language.

If  you don't  have install python3 in your computer then you can simply install by clicking this link: Downoad Python latest version

1.Getting started with "Hello world!"

A long-held belief in the programming world has been that printing "Hello world!" Message to the screen as your first program in a new language will bring you luck. 

In python you can "Hello world" in one line.

Print("Hello world!")

Such a simple program serves a very real purpose. If its runs correctly on your system, any python programs you write should work as well.


Comments (#)  are very important in your program. Comments is basically a line inside of our python file that's just not going to get rendered by python. Comments are basically made for programmers to write a short description about parts of  codes and they are also used to disable parts of your program if you need to remove them temporarily. Comments helps other programers to read your code.  Here are some examples of comments.

# this is a example of comment.

# Anything afer (#) completely ignored by python.

So, that's all for today and In next blog we're going to look at strings, variable and Data types of python. Hope you guys stay tuned. If you find this blog is hepful for you then please share with your friends.

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